We were born in 2008 with the purpose of making a difference. And we made it. Today we are proud of what we have accomplished. We are present all over the world, we have a team with more than 400 specialized professionals and we offer solutions to more than 150 clients in areas as outsourcing, consulting, innovation and training.

We were born in 2008 with the purpose of making a difference. And we made it. Today we are proud of what we have accomplished. We are present all over the world, we have a team with more than 400 specialized professionals and we offer solutions to more than 150 clients in areas as outsourcing, consulting, innovation and training.

We were born in 2008 with the purpose of making a difference. And we made it. Today we are proud of what we have accomplished. We are present all over the world, we have a team with more than 400 specialized professionals and we offer solutions to more than 150 clients in areas as outsourcing, consulting, innovation and training.

Exemplo de Vaga

UX/UI Consultant


5-7 Anos

Processo de Recrutamento Típico

Requisitos, take-home challenges, nº de rondas, etc.


Usam a palavra "family", é uma 🚩🚩🚩


Usam a palavra "family", é uma 🚩🚩🚩


Usam a palavra "family", é uma 🚩🚩🚩

Skills Pedidas

Resumo da vaga de emprego acima indicada

Skills Needed

  • Bachelor / Master in Computer Engineering or similar;

  • 5+ years of experience;

  • Experience with Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Figma;

  • Candidate has to speak fluent english;

  • The candidate has to be in Portugal.

Skills Needed

  • Bachelor / Master in Computer Engineering or similar;

  • 5+ years of experience;

  • Experience with Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Figma;

  • Candidate has to speak fluent english;

  • The candidate has to be in Portugal.

Skills Needed

  • Bachelor / Master in Computer Engineering or similar;

  • 5+ years of experience;

  • Experience with Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Figma;

  • Candidate has to speak fluent english;

  • The candidate has to be in Portugal.

Skills Match Index:


Porquê? Explora este mapeamento de skills para conheceres melhor quais as habilidades e requisitos esperados de um candidato para este tipo de posição.

És empresa e queres saber como melhorar o teu index? Fala connosco

Queres melhorar as tuas skills?

Queres melhorar as tuas skills?

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Made with ❤️ by Miguel Coelho

Sponsored by TheStarter