
Tangível is a leading provider of Human-centered Design services in Portugal, with offices in Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto. We design and evaluate the user experience of products and services from all industries and for any media platform. Our commitment is to help businesses reduce costs and increase profits by delivering better experiences to their clients.

Tangível is a leading provider of Human-centered Design services in Portugal, with offices in Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto. We design and evaluate the user experience of products and services from all industries and for any media platform. Our commitment is to help businesses reduce costs and increase profits by delivering better experiences to their clients.

Tangível is a leading provider of Human-centered Design services in Portugal, with offices in Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto. We design and evaluate the user experience of products and services from all industries and for any media platform. Our commitment is to help businesses reduce costs and increase profits by delivering better experiences to their clients.

Exemplo de Vaga

Web and Digital Accessibility Specialist


1-3 Anos

Processo de Recrutamento Típico

Requisitos, take-home challenges, nº de rondas, etc.




Skills Pedidas

Resumo da vaga de emprego acima indicada

This person is very organized, proactive, very attentive to details, with knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS who knows the different digital accessibility requirements to obtain one of the 3 Digital Accessibility seals. The Accessibility digital seal shows organizations' commitment to a set of standards that ensure the inclusion of all citizens in access to information and digital communication channels.


  • Analysis of interfaces to assess compliance with accessibility standards (WCAG 2.2 or 3.0).

  • Comfortable in a structured work environment.

  • Consistent production of evaluation reports with recommendations for improvements to accessibility.

  • Conduct user research activities, such as interviews and online questionnaires.

  • Design wireframes and mockups for different screens and devices.

  • Design responsive interfaces for mobile applications.


  • More than 2 years of experience.

  • Knowledge of Front-End (HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

  • Knowledge in Digital Accessibility

  • Knowledge of the User Experience area.

  • Training in digital accessibility.

  • Good visual culture.

This person is very organized, proactive, very attentive to details, with knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS who knows the different digital accessibility requirements to obtain one of the 3 Digital Accessibility seals. The Accessibility digital seal shows organizations' commitment to a set of standards that ensure the inclusion of all citizens in access to information and digital communication channels.


  • Analysis of interfaces to assess compliance with accessibility standards (WCAG 2.2 or 3.0).

  • Comfortable in a structured work environment.

  • Consistent production of evaluation reports with recommendations for improvements to accessibility.

  • Conduct user research activities, such as interviews and online questionnaires.

  • Design wireframes and mockups for different screens and devices.

  • Design responsive interfaces for mobile applications.


  • More than 2 years of experience.

  • Knowledge of Front-End (HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

  • Knowledge in Digital Accessibility

  • Knowledge of the User Experience area.

  • Training in digital accessibility.

  • Good visual culture.

This person is very organized, proactive, very attentive to details, with knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS who knows the different digital accessibility requirements to obtain one of the 3 Digital Accessibility seals. The Accessibility digital seal shows organizations' commitment to a set of standards that ensure the inclusion of all citizens in access to information and digital communication channels.


  • Analysis of interfaces to assess compliance with accessibility standards (WCAG 2.2 or 3.0).

  • Comfortable in a structured work environment.

  • Consistent production of evaluation reports with recommendations for improvements to accessibility.

  • Conduct user research activities, such as interviews and online questionnaires.

  • Design wireframes and mockups for different screens and devices.

  • Design responsive interfaces for mobile applications.


  • More than 2 years of experience.

  • Knowledge of Front-End (HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

  • Knowledge in Digital Accessibility

  • Knowledge of the User Experience area.

  • Training in digital accessibility.

  • Good visual culture.

Skills Match Index:


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Made with ❤️ by Miguel Coelho

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